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This lesson has a total of over 3 hrs of content. For this series I wanted to bring all the technical aspects back down to earth so I brought in a full band to jam completely improvised. After all, our goal here is to create music.

I have also created various loops and of course I include performances of each. 

Years of planning went into this one because I wanted to make sure it had a balanced perspective.

Here is the Chapter listing in order:

Intro/Butterfly Singles(odd based hand patterns)PDF & in depth playing included

Tree of Life-Perspective on Patterns(an ecosystem)

Feel-Explanation and full band Performance

Pocket- Explanation & Performance(loop included)

Motion- An integral part of this physical instrument, full band performance included

Time Management- Tips on making practice efficient and rewarding

Sick Perm- An updated version of this simple yet ubiquitous pattern. Performance included (loop & PDF Included)

Micro to Macro- Perspective on building odd times. Performance examples included

Inversions Loop 1 & 2- A loop designed for exploration(Explanation, loop & performances included)

Typical 7- A device to create unique ways of playing time signatures. Performance examples included

Soul- Discussion on playing with soul

Rhythmic theory- How does the human ear really work? How can we exploit that? Performance examples included

Modulation from 5 to 7 and 7 to 5- Loops and performance of loops included as well as full band performance

Nested Tuplets- A musical approach to a tricky subject

Conclusion-Perspective offered along with full band performance

Breakdowns of 3 tunes will be available when the performance videos are dropped online as well as the drum-less tracks themselves.

There are also additional performance videos to be released on my YouTube.

With a total of 29GB this series must be downloaded onto a laptop or desktop with good internet connection and plenty of storage to accommodate the information!

Mastering Time 3

Mastering Time 3

Regular price $69.00
Regular price $99.00 Sale price $69.00
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